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Kick off summer with Saint-Jean Baptiste Day

Saint-Jean Baptiste Day is a Quebec holiday that falls on the 24th of June each year. A celebration of the traditional feast day of the nativity (or, in other words, the birth) of Saint-Jean Baptiste—Jesus’ cousin and a prominent figure in Christianity. 

Saint-Jean Baptiste Day originally started as a religious holiday. And while some still observe the holiday’s religious significance, it’s also taken on a more secular meaning, with many viewing Saint-Jean Baptiste Day as an unofficial kick off to the summer season and a celebration of francophone culture. Today, Saint-Jean Baptiste Day is honored with a variety of fun celebrations—including bonfires, picnics, and fireworks displays.

While Saint-Jean Baptiste Day is recognized as a public holiday in Quebec, because it celebrates francophone culture, many other french-speaking communities across Canada also celebrate.

How we’re celebrating Saint-Jean Baptiste Day

We’re excited to host events celebrating Saint-Jean Baptiste Day—and ushering in the summer season. Here are some of the upcoming events we have planned:

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