Pyn • Onboarding

Keep @principal.preferredName engaged before their start date

@principal.preferredName will be joining us on @principal.startDate. Since that is a little while off still, this is a critical period for us to engage with them and keep them excited about joining us. Here's what you can do before @principal.preferredName arrives so that we stay top of mind and ensure any of their questions are answered.

Note to HR: Be sure to tailor this message to what you offer during your pre-onboarding process.

Send a friendly message

Message @principal.preferredName to reiterate how excited you are that they are joining your team and offer whatever assistance you can before their first day. Here are a few ways you can help them stay excited about joining us.

Share what’s great about

  • Invite them to any social events your team is holding and be sure they are aware of our upcoming company-wide events. Share how much fun our annual [EVENT] is or how meaningful [VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY] was to you. 
  • Let them know about the learning opportunities that we offer employees. Find out what they might be interested in.
  • Tell them about our employee resource groups and networking programs. Share how those opportunities have helped you or members of your team.

Extend a team welcome

  • Set up a coffee, lunch or video call and include some of their new co-workers so they can start getting to know them.
  • Connect with them via LinkedIn and encourage your team members to do the same.

Introduce them to your location

  • If they are new to the area, find out if they have any questions about the area and offer them some suggestions or introduce them to co-workers who can help them with their specific needs.

We will also email them with more information about how they can dive into our company before they’re officially on board. 

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