Pyn • Holidays and Observances

Observing Gandhi’s death anniversary

Mahatma Gandhi was a revolutionary—a freedom fighter that tirelessly fought for Indian freedom, but never wavered in his commitment to nonviolent protest. 

Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948. But his legacy lives on—and every year, on the anniversary of his death, India honors his contributions to the country. In addition to recognizing Gandhi’s death anniversary, India also observes Martyrs’ Day on January 30, recognizing other freedom fighters that gave their lives in the pursuit of Indian freedom. This includes a ceremony where top officials (including the President, Vice President, and Prime Minister) come together to lay memorial wreaths at Raj Ghat. The country also observes a two-minute silence at 11am.

How to prepare

At 11am, we’ll be observing a two-minute silence in honor of Mahatma Gandhi and all fallen freedom fighters. Please make sure to schedule accordingly and silence all cell phones and devices.

How we’re observing Gandhi’s Death Anniversary

On his death anniversary, we’ll be honoring Mahatma Ghandi—and all the freedom fighters who lost their lives for India—with the following events:

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